I like, an untold amount, am an eyewitness to the venom regarding black fathers not being in the home. Until I began to research this epidemic, I assumed all black fathers was either lazy or feared responsibility as fathers. This, I discovered, is so far from the truth! The attack focuses more on the microcosm of this rather than focusing on the macrocosm of what has now become a pandemic. If we are going to investigate this occurrence, we must be prepared to find the truth. The truth is, before my ancestors were stolen from their land by savage beast, they operated in a cohesive family unit. Barbarically, my ancestors were stripped of their dignity and value; brought to this land with the intent to permanently be slaves to those who used religion to justify their evil and wicked nature. As slaves, we were victimized, dehumanized and demonized. Like a rapist, they forced themselves on us; impregnating us with a doctrine of white supremacy. As slaves, men were treated like filth before their wives and mothers and children. Our woman were raped and abused. Our men couldn't rescue their woman for fear of being killed. This brought a separation into our family; psychologically traumatizing our people. The temerity of those who contracts convent amnesia for their own benefit.
Slavery was allowed to be reinvented in a new form. This new form of racism is disguised under black robes, police badges, voter suppression, systematic mass incarceration and felonies. These are some of the reasons the black father's are not in the home. A major percent of our black men are either locked up or caught in the web of the criminal justice system. What do we say to the black fathers who spent an astronomical amount of time incarcerated due to being framed, lies and corruption? Do we attack them for not being in the home? Or do we attack the system that is responsible for this. Some circumstances will prohibit the father from being in the home, yet some father's are in the life of the child.
These are just a few facts to show why a percentage of fathers are not in the homes. To those who argue that the absence of black father's is to blame for their criminal behavior, would you argue that white children could be serial killers and mass murderers because they were in the home of father's that allowed them to witness lynchings, rapes, murders and abuse of African Americans. When having an issue with absent fathers, ask yourself are you going to take a stand against the systems that are preventing them from being in the home. Present or absent fathers will not stop children from turning astray. It's easy to see the symptoms, but can you resolve the illness?