Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Prophetic Services

A prophetic service is not like an ordinary service. In a prophetic service, revelation and deliverance occurs! Normally in these type services, God uses the prophet to observe people and the surroundings. While it is true that some prophets are lusting, every prophet is not. Don't assume a prophet is lusting when he's looking through the eyes of God concerning your situation.

A prophetic service may not generate hype and emotionalism; yet it will draw you into the throne room of Heaven. Prophets be aware! Offences are birth when truth is revealed.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Is God priority?

Anyone who opposes giving opposes God. We were created in the image and likeness of God and one of His attributes is giving. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world that he gave..." (John 3:16)

The church is the only place where people have an issue with innvesting. Why? Because God really isn't a priority.! When God is a priority we will support His agenda toward advancing the Kingdom.

Monday, July 31, 2017


To the many people who inquire as to why we do what we do in regards to the kingdom of God; such as giving, gathering, praying, praising, worshiping and sacrificing, allow me to share.

As we grow spiritually, many things we don't understand will come to be understood. No one can understand the things of the Spirit until their mind has been renewed!! The Bible says in Romans 12:2, "“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” As you grow spiritually things will become clear to you naturally. We give because it is a requirement for those who love God to sow so that the gospel can be preached to others without hindrance. We gather, praise, prayer, worship, and sacrifice because that is our way of letting our Father in Heaven know how much we love and appreciate Him.

Instead of questioning, focus on praying and studying! The Lord does not want us confused. His desire is that we prosper in all that we do and live healthy, meaningful lives.

“But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭2:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

"A voice among us"

To all musicians and and praise & worship Leaders, singers, and psalmist. You are designated to usher in the presence of God. It is not a gig, entertainment nor performance. One of the last day deceptions, would be used through music, as I have prophesied over the years. This is because satan was once a worship leader. He allowed his gift and skill to elevate him to a place of pride and arrogance. Consequently, musicians are targets because Satan desires entry into "Holy atmospheres". His diabolical plan, is to corrupt and contaminate, because his ultimate desire is to be worshiped.

A voice among us must speak out against this satanic plot. Singers, psalmist, musicians worship leaders be forewarned and forearmed; you are prime candidates for sexual seductions, which include all types of perversion.

Monday, July 24, 2017

What is it to you?

While Jesus was giving Peter his assignment, Peter noticed the one Jesus loved and inquired. This inquiry could have distracted Peter. Jesus dismantled the distraction by asking Peter "what is it to you?"

Why are Christians consumed with matters that are not their business? Why do they feel they should know about peoples affairs?

I pray people will get to a point that if they sense something to just pray. People do have the right to have a private life.

The Word encourages us not to be a busy body in another man's matters. The best way to resolve curiosity is to approach the individual you are seeking information about and just talk!!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Being about souls involves taking people from the initial process of salvation, to being filled with the Holy Spirit, to learning the ways of God, and then being a disciple of Christ. You cannot be about the souls if you are not committed to seeing people prosper! Souls need more than a revival meeting or a conference. Like a surgeon, one must be skilled in soul transformation. Wisdom wins souls, skill keeps them.

Souls have endured years of trauma and are in need of treatment. Treatment must focus on inner healing! Inner healing solidifies psychological maintenance, extracts emotional disparities, and frees hostage hearts. Souls, subconsciously, suppress years of hurt, rejection, bitterness, pain, abandonment, loneliness, rape, molestation, and abuse. Listed above are the disorders of the soul we will encounter. 

As Jesus said, "those that are sick need the physician"(Mark 2:17). A physician is a skilled health-care professional trained and licensed to practice. Training is vital when recruiting souls for the kingdom of God. When the soul prospers internally it will illuminate externally.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Value the voice!!

The voice of your leader is validated by God to nourish and sustain your spirit. "The Priest lips should keep knowledge,"  Malachi 2:7. Why, however, are sons and daughters not promoting and circulating the words from their Priest? Could it be that they themselves do not believe the words that God is transmitting through the Priest?

As a son or daughter you should always promote your leaders message. It is a sign that you believe in the God that is speaking through them.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


It is the religious sector that wants profound voices ceased! Our voice carries weight in the spirit realm. The same voice agitates hell and its associates. Recall Blind Bartameaus! His voice disturbed those who should have provided assistance to the request of deliverance.

Voices that are speaking up and/or crying out for help antagonize the religious sector. I am one of a remnant of voices that bear truth. This truth transforms individuals and will catapult them into communities demonstrating their transformation.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Isolation Agenda:

Proverbs 18:1 states, “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgement”.
People would rather be independent than interdependent. We are not put here to satisfy our own selfish ambitions and desires. The power of covenant is a structure that God Himself constituted. The idea that “as long as I have King Jesus I don't need nobody else” needs to be clarified. Scripture admonishes us that “two are better than one”, according to Ecclesiastes 4:9. The enemy of covenants has craftily formulated a system to keep us alone. Isolation is preventing individuals that are falling financially, spiritual, naturally, morally, and mentally from receiving the necessary help. That help occurs when someone connected is able to catch you. Some choose isolation because of the hurt and disappointment from a previous leadership. This kind can paralyze the agenda of authentic spiritual parenting. As leaders, it’s our job to preserve you and keep you fresh; not spoil you. Our role is to assist you both naturally and spiritually.
It Is the Father's will to give you all that pertains unto life and godliness, according to 2 Peter 1:3. Why are so many people on social media and other means soliciting seeds in grounds that people aren't sure are cultivated? Because they do not have effective leadership assisting in their assignment.
Leaders are not called to handicap by distributing handouts. Even natural parents are not always able to contribute to every request. Therefore, when your leadership is not able it doesn't negate the fact that they are effective. Leaders must differentiate when and how to help. Help, at times, will disable the functionality of a person!!  The 'ideologies' of isolation will continue to perpetuate the lack of accountability, wise counsel, correction, strengthening, critique structure, discipline, development, and being grounded by all truth!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

"Disarming Excuses"

The Holy Scriptures declare, “The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing” (Proverbs 20:4). I witness people everyday who refuse to take control of their destiny because they choose to arm themselves with excuses. Excuses will deny any individual the results they desire for their life.

Most people should be familiar with an alarm system. When an alarm system is armed it provides security and a defense for individuals and/or property. When we, as a people, arm ourselves with excuses, it gives us a sense of security. This security keeps most people from being stretched to the next chapter of their lives. 

The sluggard represents one who puts things off; a procrastinator or someone who puts things on hold. They plan to get it done eventually; however, not just now! This is a position of which  so many find themselves. Being catatonic will keep one from progressing and moving forward. This sluggard spirit will be unresponsive, in a state of paralysis, or immobile. So many have lost the drive to go on. Many have lost the determination and momentum to bounce back and recover. Could it be that they have eaten the diet of adversity? Adversity can put you in a state of being unresponsive. Therefore, never allow adversity to persuade you that where you are right now is all there is. I say to you that there is so much more.

Never be afraid to leave what is cold in your life. Cold speaks of a season in which we all have. By reason of the cold the sluggard will not plow. What is your excuse for not working for yourself? What is your excuse for not pursuing your dreams? Are you trapped in the cycle of laziness which makes anyone unwilling to work? Laziness will sap you of life and enthusiasm. Proverbs 10:4 states, “A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich”. Ultimately, when harvest comes that person will  have nothing and will be reduced to a beggar.

Life was not created for begging! It was created for possessing! Jesus came so that we could “have life and have life more abundantly”, according to John 10:10. Once you free yourself from excuses you will began to develop momentum to thrive!


A biased mentality automatically disqualifies a person from counseling married couples and other relationships! With many corrupted counselors, certain protocol should be enacted. Do not allow yourself to be influenced by one side of the story. This is a deal breaker! Never talk to one party and conceal it from the other; this becomes a red flag. Remember, it is not about you, it is about the people being counseled. This demonstrates trustworthiness.  Keep in mind, however, that people will often exaggerate or neglect to reveal all the facts. This is done to persuade your sound judgement.
Convene a meeting where both parties are present. During this meeting encourage the parties to reveal to the other what was shared with you in private and never play one side against another. Avoid gathering information for your personal gain. As a mediator, keep yourself honest and driven by integrity. The plethora of issues discussed is a diversion from the root of the problem. Once the root is exposed, establish a method for healing. Your objective must not be to exacerbate turmoil but to de-escalate tension.
Personally, I have learned to never allow myself to be placed in a compromising position where the parties trust is broken from one who should serve as a purveyor of godly counsel. Furthermore, once the healing is executed, the counselor does not want to be seen as the enemy.
So many couples become the victims of a cover up in the name of counseling, coaching and mediation. Not everyone who counsels is capable. Find someone who has the best interest of both parties. The focus should be ‘restoration’ and ‘resolution’. Learn to keep people out of your affairs. Never kill someone with your words and then choose to stay with them. Professional counseling should never be off the table. We as leaders must be committed to the oath to which we have affirmed and we should never disclose the privacy of those being counseled.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


The enemy has craftily formulated a tactic to disrupt the economic flow of the house of God. One tactic that is unknown to people ‘blasphemy’. Revelation 13:6 says, “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven”. Blasphemy means to speak with contempt about God or to be defiantly irreverent! Blasphemy is “the written or oral reproach of God, His name, attributes, or religion”. This is similar to slander (malicious, oral lies that harm a reputation) and libel (slander through writing or another type of recording or transmission). Blasphemy is slander and libel directed at God. When something or someone is speaking blasphemy, who would want to be affiliate with them?  Why is there so much disdain for ‘giving’ in church, yet not much or any disdain for corporate greed?

Let’s break down the figures of these Holidays. According to a statistic by the National Retail Federation, 17.3 Billion on Easter, 19.7 bilAmericaValentines Day, 21.4 billion on mother’s day, and Christmas and Thanksgiving are about the same. With this much currency generating into our economy, jobs can be created, roads can be built, land can be acquired, minimum wage increased, reinvestment in education, etc. Instead the richer is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. So while the enemy has devised a disguise, the real blood suckers continue to suck the life from the people. Those who are catalyst of change are now seen as the enemy.

Many people are blinded to this approach. Yet they continue to invest in system who refuse to pour back into their communities, families, and future. So if the House of God is not financed, how can we adequately be instrumental in human development?

President George W. Bush understood this. He instituted the faith-based initiative. It is the faith-based community that is going where others refuse to go. I believe a great deal of gratification is owed to the faith-based community. They have transformed lives, impacted families, resolved conflicts, and bettered individuals. Why include Jesus into these pagan days? It’s a front to commercialize Christ. This Holiday Hustle preys on the weak and poor.

While I believe in Church giving, I must address the mismanagement of some in the house. It has been the portion of many to withdraw funding because of the abuse of some. However the abuse of some should not negate the principle God established. It is interesting that there has been abuse in regards to CEOs CFOs, and COOs and yet we still spend and invest.

It is Satan desire to see the church demolished. However, Jesus says the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. It appears that God's people have eaten the bread of deceit.

I pray that we will awaken to this hustle and get free from it so that we can begin to invest in ourselves. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. opposed this hustle. In his last speech at Mason Temple, Dr. King spoke to African Americans. He stated, “Now the other thing we'll have to do is this: Always anchor our external direct action with the power of economic withdrawal. Now, we are poor people. Individually, we are poor when you compare us with white society in America. We are poor. Never stop and forget that collectively -- that means all of us together -- collectively we are richer than all the nations in the world, with the exception of mine.”
Did you ever think about that? After you leave the United States, the Soviet Union, Russia, Great Britain, West Germany, France, and others, the American Negro collectively is richer than most nations of the world. We have an annual income of more than thirty billion dollars a year, which is more than all of the exports of the United States, and more than the national budget of Canada. Did you know that? That's power if we know how to pool it. These Holidays have made corporations millions year after year. Will people continue to be hustled or will America finally wake up?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Lets Talk

There are multiple terminologies that describe intimacy through sexual intercourse: sex, making love, screwing, etc. The true purpose of God for sex is  "fruitfulness", "reproduction", and "multiplication". Sexual intimacy is only designed for marriage between and man and a woman. If these acts are not carried out the way God designed, then the motive must be evaluated.

This truth will debunk the persuasion of those who are blinded by satan as it relates  to alternative lifestyles. No alternative lifestyle can reproduce, multiply, and be fruitful. There is no scientific or psychological attestation to this claim. As mentioned in my Live FB feed entitled ‘Lets Talk: The Alliance Affect’, dated February 28, 2017, the biggest catalyst for transferring of spirits is sexual  intercourse. This is why God gave marriage as a prerequisite for sex. When we violate the teachings of Jesus, we open ourselves up to emotional wounds, brokenness, and low self worth.

Don’t allow your value to be diminished. Follow the plan of God, and enjoy the abundant life Jesus died for us to have. Before entering into a sexual relationship with another person, wait until you say “I DO!”

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A stench!!

There's a stench in the nostrils of God. That stench derives from those who are occupying offices of which they do not have the grace to function. Apostles and Prophets aren't bought into; they must be born into. There is a influx of people who have no knowledge of what an apostle or prophet is. Not to mention their function or role. If you are void of the apostolic doctoring please remove yourself from the office. Do yourself a favor by refusing  anyone from positioning you in what your not prepared to possess. Please note: occupying this sacred office has warfare assign to it. Vestments, jewelry, seals, and church's don't activate the grace for such. To those who affirmed these out of order people, you are also wrong and out of order! According to 1 Timothy 5:22 , we are instructed not to lay hands suddenly on no man. Referring to affirmations, ordinations, consecrations, and installations. Who have you laid hands knowing their life didn't match up?? Now you have become guilty yourself!! You do it for personal gain, securing a relationship, and maximizing membership; just to name a few. The church in Thyatira was rebuked for this in Revelation 2:22. Don't allow yourself to demonstrate that same behavior.

Do All Lives Really Matter?

Do All Lives Really Matter?

Yes! To God all lives matter! Unfortunately, in the society in which we live, this is not so. In the past couple of weeks we have seen three significant situations that debunk the false narrative of 'all lives matter'.

First, the case involving Brook Turner, the Stanford University rapist who was accused and found guilty. His father and his probation officer suggested that prison would damage the accused. Judge Aaron Persky imposed the six month sentence. Although years earlier, Brain Banks was sentenced to 5yrs on an accusation of rape which cost him his NFL career and added humiliation. Did his life matter?

The second incident involves the gorilla. A four year old toddler falls into the gorilla cage and is dragged by the gorilla. Outrage sparked all over the world calling for negligence charges against his father. The father gets dragged through the mud to the degree that his prior criminal record is revealed as if that contributed to his son falling into cage.

Third, a two year old is snatched by an alligator resulting in him being killed. We see no outrage and no demand for charges to be filed, even though signs were posted saying 'no swimming'.

Is it really 'all lives' or just 'selected lives'? Has our system been programmed to see minorities as minor and the majorities as major? Before we echo the sentiment that 'all lives matter' in this world, search the facts.

During Muhammad Ali's funeral, Rabbi Michael Lerner confronted this notion. He stated that we must speak truth to power, telling politicians let African Americans out of prison that had been arrested and sentenced by racist police officers and judges. Black lives are imprisoned for possessing marijuana. Whites have marijuana all the time and are hardly ever punished. If all lives matter, America would become inundated with diversity, Inclusivity, equality and justice. Lives do not matter to those who bear the nature of Satan!! His nature is to kill, steal, and destroy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Dysfunctional Families

Dysfunctional Families

It has been said that church hurt is the worst hurt. Well, I beg to differ. We don't give credence to this matter as we should. I believe family hurt is actually equal to or worst than church hurt. If we say that blood is thicker than water, why won't that thickness cement the family unit? Should family members degrade their very own? Should families participate in phony behavior? Should families engage in malicious talk? Should families exhibit buffoonery conduct? Should families expose each other's current or past struggles? Should families neglect to support you when your doing something positive as opposed to supporting debauchery's? If any of these can be found in your family, it is indicative of dysfunction.

Dysfunction can be seen as a generational curse or cycle of culture or habit. These dysfunctions occur when no one in the family has confronted or challenged this spirit. We all should look deep into our family and conduct a introspection.

More than any other entity, the family unit is where love is most absent. Families normally talk a good game. However, out of sight, the rise of persecution is displayed!! Dysfunction prevents the family unit from functioning closely; with unity and authenticity. This is in no way modern. The Bible refers to several families with dysfunction. This dysfunction created years of strife, turmoil, murder, etc. Incest, murder, homosexuality, divorce, adultery, poverty, criminality, and anger are a few of the many inherited dysfunctions we encounter in our families. Anyone who can ruin the reputation of their own father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, and any other family member is a treacherous person. If this person will do this to family, that person will do that to you. Be on the look out for these type people. The people are dealing with rejection, bitterness, and unforgiveness. These traits are suppressed in an inconspicuous manner.

I know now more than ever why Jesus stated that some of us will have to give up family in Luke 18:29. Personally speaking, whether it’s family or friends, I will distance myself from any type of of dysfunction. Not that I am better than anyone else. It is simply not healthy and dysfunction breeds!

The bible says that Jesus came to His own and His own received Him not. Your own will be the very ones who reject and deny who you are. I pray that families will stop covering up these inherited dysfunctions and let the power of Jesus bring true deliverance.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Rasicm At The Highest

This presidential election has revealed racism at its highest. The racial rhetoric that is spewing is no longer unbelievable, it's believable. The Trump supporters have stated violence will erupt if he is not elected. Donald Trump has incited violence, racism, and bigotry, just to name a few. I'm concerned about how a man can make America great as the president but could not make it great as business tycoon. The same African Americans he is attempting to persuade are those he discriminated against by having them put a 'C' on applications to signify their color and prevent them from living on his property. He initiated the birther movement to delegitimize the first African American president. His notion to promote 'Law and Order' is a disguise to take us back to the Jim Crow era. Keep in mind, Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler,  Joseph Stalin, etc. also promoted Law and Order. Those who are in favor of the Law and Order phraseology must understand that this is part of the plan for the government to control the everyday life of citizens.

May I refer you to the Georgia Guidestones? Laws, at times, are created to stifle, suspend, and suppress individuals. We have seen this throughout the history of America. It was a law that put Daniel in the lion's den. It was a law that caused the building of the Temple to cease. It was a law that restricted blacks from reading and voting. It was a law that crucified Jesus!

America can only become great when America returns  to the foundation and principles of Jesus Christ. Donald Trump will lead this country to a abyss of hell. I am not down with Hilary Clinton either. She herself has classified African Americans as super predators. Her position is to attack churches that do not support the LGBT agenda. What is it that any would want to lead a diverse Nation with racial tendencies? Our land needs to be healed from a moral, mental, economic and physical sickness. When Israel asked for a king, God provided details of the type of King they would be given. Pay attention closely to the details that are being provided and you will know the type of President we will have.

Please vote!!!!! However, do so with knowledge of who and what you are voting for. Beyond the hype we have a lot to lose if the wrong candidate gets in office. My prayer is that emerging leaders will arise to promote the agenda of Jesus Christ in the Earth realm. Jesus is still the answer for the world today!!

"Disorderly Conduct"

It is so imperative to call out this 'disorderly conduct' being portrayed by leaders/people. In an attempt to manipulate people from those to whom they are connected due to jealousy. Jealousy is cruel as the grave! It will stop at nothing until it has destroyed friendships, covenants, ministries, etc. Leaders/people exhibit this type of behavior  when they are inundated with immaturity and childishness. How dare some consider you not good for people based on what you went through? Have these people forgotten who they were and what they did?

Perpetuating an agenda to destroy someone else's character shows how vicious and treacherous that person is. These cowards have secret meetings to discus you as opposed to confronting you. These types are also bitter, broken, hateful and full of poison. People need deliverance!! Double talking people are dangerous. Trusting them will eventually hurt you.

Christ or Claus?

Christ or Claus?

Although we know the 25th of December is not Jesus' birthday, it is a day set aside to acknowledge the birth of a Savior and Redeemer. This day should be centered around reflecting on God's plan of salvation. I am appalled of the countless churches deciding not to have worship on that day. If this day is honestly about Christ, wouldn't we be passionate about expressing high praises? It is a repeat like the people who chose Barabbas over Jesus. Is it that people really esteem Claus over Christ? Claus is a mystical fairytale. This fairytale have trap many into a system that depletes them economically, drains them mentally, detours them from principals that build self to building a lie, and distance them for the Messiah. He liberates from all false doctrines and false systems. This Christmas tactic is a well orchestrated lie.

I appeal to all to accept Christ. Not the Christ they gave us. The true Christ who revolutionized lives. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. So as we choose Christ, we agree that God was manifested in the flesh to reconcile the world to Him.

Leave these pagan holidays alone. Save your money to build family and self along with the Kingdom of God. In closing, any church who shuts its doors on a day that should be centered around Christ is completely wrong!

Exposing Pharaoh

As we celebrate Black History Month, let us recall when Pharaoh let the children of Israel go. Things transpired. Pharaoh went after the children of Israel like most oppressors do when they desire to remain in a position to control the oppressed. The minds of the children of Israel wanted to revert back to the same oppressor who had seized their life. As I look at where we are now in our society, I see the same tactic being imposed. The modern day Pharaoh does not want to lose control; those captured are beneficial to him. The oppressed build his palaces, work for free, make his economy prosper while they themselves experience poverty. The oppressed are tortured, abused, murdered, and raped with no rights or say so. They socially engineer the oppressed; causing them to turn on each other.

Who is the modern day Pharaoh? The criminal justice system, those in political power, and systemic procedures created to control the weak, the poor, and the impoverished. Yet they ask “Is racism still here?” Indeed it is! Those who ask such a nonsensical question represent those who rape and abuse women, then threaten them to keep quiet.

Should the abused be quite? African-Americans have been raped, abused, and molested. These vile atrocities occur at the hands of a system that uses its weight to take the dignity, innocence, and spirit of God's people. It never departed! it took on a new identity; disguising its true intent and purpose. It disguises itself in the following terms: “I'm not racist”, “I'm not responsible for racism”, “I love everybody”, “I have black friends”, etc.  Pharaoh is really a coward who hides behind military might and laws. So why do the oppressed return to the oppressor? The saying is true! Oppressing the righteous makes it easier to bribe them!!

Have the oppressed taken the bait of the oppressor? Here is the bait! “You can never make it without me”; “You will always return due to the oppressor having the resources and revenue”. The oppressor has manipulated the oppressed into thinking they can't do anything for themselves. When will the oppressed wake up and detach themselves from the habits, custom, mannerisms, culture, and traits of the oppressor?

Some ask the question, “Why is there a need for Black History Month?” Because the contributions made by African-Americans in the development, advancement, and sustainment of not only our country but our world should and must be celebrated. If African-Americans are really lazy, as it has been noted, our world today would not be in existence. I pray that this new generation of  African-Americans will embrace the torch and run as catalyst for change. With a plethora of injustice and inequality still prevalent in society today, who will go to Pharaoh and speak truth to power?