Wednesday, July 26, 2017

"A voice among us"

To all musicians and and praise & worship Leaders, singers, and psalmist. You are designated to usher in the presence of God. It is not a gig, entertainment nor performance. One of the last day deceptions, would be used through music, as I have prophesied over the years. This is because satan was once a worship leader. He allowed his gift and skill to elevate him to a place of pride and arrogance. Consequently, musicians are targets because Satan desires entry into "Holy atmospheres". His diabolical plan, is to corrupt and contaminate, because his ultimate desire is to be worshiped.

A voice among us must speak out against this satanic plot. Singers, psalmist, musicians worship leaders be forewarned and forearmed; you are prime candidates for sexual seductions, which include all types of perversion.

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