Do All Lives Really Matter?
Yes! To God all lives matter! Unfortunately, in the society in which we live, this is not so. In the past couple of weeks we have seen three significant situations that debunk the false narrative of 'all lives matter'.
First, the case involving Brook Turner, the Stanford University rapist who was accused and found guilty. His father and his probation officer suggested that prison would damage the accused. Judge Aaron Persky imposed the six month sentence. Although years earlier, Brain Banks was sentenced to 5yrs on an accusation of rape which cost him his NFL career and added humiliation. Did his life matter?
The second incident involves the gorilla. A four year old toddler falls into the gorilla cage and is dragged by the gorilla. Outrage sparked all over the world calling for negligence charges against his father. The father gets dragged through the mud to the degree that his prior criminal record is revealed as if that contributed to his son falling into cage.
Third, a two year old is snatched by an alligator resulting in him being killed. We see no outrage and no demand for charges to be filed, even though signs were posted saying 'no swimming'.
Is it really 'all lives' or just 'selected lives'? Has our system been programmed to see minorities as minor and the majorities as major? Before we echo the sentiment that 'all lives matter' in this world, search the facts.
During Muhammad Ali's funeral, Rabbi Michael Lerner confronted this notion. He stated that we must speak truth to power, telling politicians let African Americans out of prison that had been arrested and sentenced by racist police officers and judges. Black lives are imprisoned for possessing marijuana. Whites have marijuana all the time and are hardly ever punished. If all lives matter, America would become inundated with diversity, Inclusivity, equality and justice. Lives do not matter to those who bear the nature of Satan!! His nature is to kill, steal, and destroy.